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Araldite aerospace structural adhesives: safety and innovation Aerospace and DefenseEpoxy adhesivesIndustrial AdhesivesMetalsPlasticPolyurethane adhesivesStructural adhesivesHuntsmanAralditeComposites

Araldite aerospace structural adhesives: safety and innovation

The aerospace industry is constantly evolving, driven by increasing demand for mobility, energy efficiency and attention to climate change. Companies in the industry are looking for innovative solutions that can provide greater competitiveness while improving sustainability and reducing maintenance costs. In this context, advanced aerospace structural adhesives play a key…
October 30, 2024
Thermal runaway: what it is and the consequences for EV battery safety DOWDuponte-mobilityIndustrial adhesivesHuntsmanBattery system

Thermal runaway: what it is and the consequences for EV battery safety

Thermal runaway, or thermal drift in Italian, is a major safety concern for batteries, particularly those used in electric vehicles and E-Mobility. This is an uncontrollable process of heating that can lead to serious consequences, such as fire or explosion, due to excessive heat buildup inside the battery. Understanding the…
March 28, 2024