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Lubricants can make a significant difference when it comes to providing cost savings, increasing equipment performance, meeting food safety standards, and improving overall plant productivity.

Choosing the right lubricant supplier can help more than you think.


Food safety and quality control are among the most important parts of your production process.

There are several factors that play a role in this process-one of the most important is the use of H1-registered food-grade lubricants. With so many different production lines and lubrication options, finding the best food-grade lubricants for each application and achieving optimal stock consolidation is never an easy task.

Petrocanada’s PURITY FG offers a full range of food-grade lubricants and greases, including NSF H1 incidental food contact lubricants, Kosher and Halal certifications.


In addition to the necessary food certifications, it is essential to offer performance lubricants under the complex conditions in which the machinery in your production process must work.

The PURITY FG family of products is formulated to offer: – longer service life through exceptional thermal stability and oxidation resistance – excellent wear protection – high resistance to water leaching when dealing with greases – excellent water separation when dealing with oils

PURITY FG formulated with SynFX resists oxidation up to two times longer than leading mineral oil-based food lubricants and is fully comparable in performance to synthetics. This level of oxidation resistance provides longer-lasting protection

It’s no secret that plant managers often struggle to achieve optimal lubricant performance while meeting safety standards and budget constraints; by using the new PURITY FG with SynFX, managers no longer have to compromise on any of these competing variables.

Our Petro-Canada Purity FG products specifically for the Food sector are formulated to excel in harsh operating conditions for:

– Danger of contamination

– Aggressive cleaning agents

– Water, steam and moisture

– Extreme temperature peaks

The Petro-canada range includes white oils (NSF 3H) and 99.9 percent pure edible oil-based lubricants (Purity FG) including lubricating greases, gearbox fluids, compressors, chains, conveyor systems, vacuum pumps, hydraulic and diathermic oils. All obtained with the patented “Hydro Treatment” system, which is a process designed to eliminate impurities that could compromise performance and, consequently, provide maximum performance.